It’s been ten amazing and glorious years
In October 2006, I started the Law Office of Alicia Porter. As a mother of a young toddler, I crafted my business around my child, and worked out of my basement. Ten years, one massive move, and many life changes, I am stunned, humble, and grateful to all of my great clients for having a busy and thriving practice. A practice does not expand and improve without fabulous clients, kind hearted people, and gentle direction. Starting a business from scratch is a difficult endeavor, regardless of law school training. Moving a business is an additional challenge.
So… please consider this a heartfelt thank you.  I am privileged and grateful to work with and for wonderful people. From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely thank my clients, the people who have been kind enough to mentor me, colleagues, counterparts that I have learned from, court clerks that have suggested pointers and everyone who has quietly lent a hand up, made a referral, or given a teaching opportunity
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